Our friendly, no fuss helpline

 Provides evidence-based information about benzodiazepines, anxiety, insomnia and withdrawal support for callers with concerns about benzodiazepines.

Thursday 11 July is World Benzo Awareness Day (WBAD)!

WBAD seeks to raise global awareness around the problem of iatrogenic (medical-induced) benzodiazepine physical dependence that continues to affect an enormous amount of unsuspecting, innocent people worldwide—either directly or indirectly. It advocates for informed consent and better education for health professionals about prescribing and deprescribing. Reconnexion fully supports the WBAD movement.

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New Research - The Better Sleep Program

Researchers at Deakin University interviewed clients before they entered the Better Sleep Program to understand what influenced their decision to try a psychological intervention for sleep. They identified a range of barriers and enablers to accessing this type of treatment.

Read our paper

Reconnexion Podcast

Benzo stories is a compelling series that delves into one of the most misunderstood medications, benzodiazepines.  Listen as Host Natalie Corrigan speaks to experts and individuals about the epidemic of benzodiazepine dependence and its devastating impacts.  The series also offers education and strategies to take your life back from this drug.  Recovery is just around the corner.

Listen on Spotify

Latest client stories

We provide counselling and support for people dependent on tranquillisers (benzodiazepines) while raising awareness of the risk of dependency associated with long term prescribing of benzodiazepines.

Brian's Story

I want to begin by saying that this IS a recovery story, and for all of you out there who are still suffering to varying degrees, please don’t give up.

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Sarah's story

Sarah, the mother of two young children, was originally prescribed a benzodiazepine after the death of her child. After some months, she found herself gradually increasing the dose in an attempt to manage escalating symptoms of anxiety.

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A letter from Merideth

In 1994 I was prescribed benzodiazepines (Diazepam and Temazepam) by a psychiatrist who was helping me work through some hideous childhood sexual abuse experiences.

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Coronavirus Covid-19 Update

    We continue to work together to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on our community.   Read our update here.

Discover our resources

Reconnexion have published a useful guide, 'the Benzodiazepine Toolkit' as a resource for our clients. Feel free to download the Toolkit or explore our helpful information about anxiety, depression, Benzodiazepines (Sleeping Pills & Tranquillisers), insomnia and more...

Download The Benzodiazepine ToolkitExplore fact sheets

Our Help Line -
1300 273 266

The telephone support line operates from Monday to Friday 9:00 -5:00 and our trained volunteers are available to provide information and support for any callers.

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Our support line service would not be possible without the help of our amazing volunteers. Are you interested in volunteering? Find out more >