Phoebe Newman

Clinical Psychologist

Phoebe (she/her) is a registered psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology. Phoebe takes a humanistic-existential approach to her work with clients, understanding that we all face challenges and experience varying degrees of suffering throughout our lives that may prevent us from feeling fulfilled within ourselves, our relationships and the world we live in.

 Phoebe strives to provide a safe, trauma-informed and inclusive environment for all clients, and welcomes clients from a wide range of backgrounds, identities and sexual preferences (LGBTIQ+ friendly). Phoebe has experience working with clients who are experiencing symptoms associated with anxiety/panic, depression, OCD, relationship difficulties and breakdowns, grief and loss, stress, trauma- including PTSD and complex trauma and sleep disturbance. Phoebe also has a special interest working with clients who are facing health difficulties such as cancer, reproductive difficulties &conditions, pregnancy loss and chronic pain. As such Phoebe may also assist clients who have concerns about adjusting to body change after surgery, managing the impact of medical treatments, and health related anxiety/ trauma.

 To assist clients with managing concerns Phoebe may integrate aspects of cognitive behavioural therapy/ exposure response prevention, mindfulness-self-compassion, acceptance and commitment therapy and schema therapy in accordance with what each client may need. Phoebe accepts clients utilising funding from the better access mental health care plan, chronic disease management plan, victims of crime (VOCAT) and department of veterans affairs (DVA).

BA (Psych), Grad Dip. Psych, DPsych

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