I'm a health professional

Whether you are a GP, pharmacist, mental health nurse, drug and alcohol counsellor or allied health professional, Reconnexion can provide support and tools to assist you and your client/patient to address a benzodiazepine dependency.

We specialise in providing training for GPs and other allied health workers to upskill the workforce in deprescribing evidence, tools and strategies.

To organise a training session call us on 1300 273 266

The Benzodiazepine Toolkit

Our Benzodiazepine Toolkit is a guide which explains how benzodiazepines work, how to identify dependency, treatment options, withdrawal symptom management, how to deprescribe using a “taper” and resources to support you and your client/patient.

Get the Toolkit >Download toolkit

Benzodiazepine equivalencies conversion

The milligram amount of each benzodiazepine varies and is not indicative of the strength of the drug compared with other benzodiazepines. To calculate the benzodiazepine dosage in diazepam equivalency, you can use the excel conversion chart below.

Get the Toolkit >Download chart


An easy to use tool to assess benzo dependency is one of the resources in The Toolkit

How to refer

Reconnexion’s benzodiazepine treatment service receives referrals directly from clients, and health professionals. We are a Victorian DHHS funded service and there is NO cost to the client and no MHCP required. Simply go to the referral form below or suggest the client contacts us directly on 1300 273 266.

Make a referralGet The Toolkit >

Secondary consultations

Our experienced benzodiazepine counsellors can provide free secondary consultations by telephone to health professionals working with a patient or client who has issues with benzodiapine use or withdrawal. Simply call 1300 273 266 to book a secondary consultation appointment or...

Contact Us

Tips for patient conversations about Benzodiazepines

Series 1 : The pre-contemplative patient

Learn how to:

  • manage a Safescript notification
  • work with reluctant patients

Step 1: Responding to a Safescript notification

Step 2: Increasing a patient’s readiness to reduce

Step 3: Supporting a patient’s decision

Series 2 : The contemplative patient

Learn how to:

  • respond to patient concerns
  • navigate the deprescribing process

Step 1: Responding to patient concerns about Benzodiazepines

Step 2: Preparing a patient to reduce

Step 3: Responding to challenges